Português English
June 2: FERC Welcome Reception
June 3: Conference | Meet Editors | Awards Dinner
June 4: Conference | Career Academy
Fundação Dom Cabral, Aloysio Faria Campus
Nova Lima (MG) – Brazil

FERC 2016

Founder influence on
family firm

FERC is dedicated to developing a community of scholars interested in conducting research to further our understanding of family firms and creating usable knowledge in this field. The 2016 conference will focus on founder influence on family firms. Founders of family firms have a lasting influence on these family entities. Founders directly and indirectly influence a firm’s culture, values, and other characteristics. Founder of family firms directly influences a firm through their leadership and indirectly through their interaction with founding family. The lasting influence of founders in family firm manifest in a firm’s strategic choices and outcomes. Family firms in second and later generation still mirror their founder’s style and leadership. As a result, founders indirectly influence a family firm’s performance and survival in second and later generations. Despite being a key source of a firm’s many strategic choices and outcomes, family firm founders have received little attention in family business research. We encourage participants of this conference and other family business researchers to explore family firm founder’s influence on firm behavior, performance, and strategies, along with their influence on family’s behavior, dynamics, and strategic choices.

Call For Papers - Journals Special Issues

Special Issue: “Family Firm Heterogeneity”

Special Issue: “Strategy in small family firms”

Event cost

$ 525.00